The Road to Stewardship Freedom
The Stewardship Committee is thankful for your past financial offerings. Starting in 2025, we have a new pledge card that provides 4 categories to direct your giving:
1. General Fund: This will fund the operations of running Supplee, including staff, committees, ministries, general expenses, and activities.
2. Missions: Starting January 1, 2025, missions supported by Supplee will no longer be paid from the General Fund—missions will no longer be a part of the annual budget. Only contributions designated for missions will be used to support Supplee’s approved missionaries. The designated funds collected every month will be equally divided and paid to each missionary.
3. Deacons: Their work will continue to be funded by voluntary contributions. This is now an option in order to allow the deacons to plan their annual ministries.
4. Property: Pledges are now being accepted to the Property Endowment Fund. This is now an option to help us plan for the repair and upkeep of our church home.