
Nolensville, TN

eduKenya is a ministry located in Nairobi, Kenya. It has as its mission "to educate a child, empower the poor, transform a community" by providing high quality Christian education from preschool through high school for families living in abject poverty in the Mathare slum of Nairobi, Kenya. The eduKenya workers are driven by the love of Christ and a desire to glorify God through educating the children and assisting the families in this area where the average income there is less than $2 a day; the people struggle to provide food and other basic needs for children as a result of unemployment and illness. 

Its Christian elementary school in Mathare and residential high school away from the city serve the children of this impoverished area of Nairobi. Daily meals as well as access to medical care are provided for the children.

. The high school graduates go on to college or technical school and are therefore able to be employed and help their families. eduKenya also trains adults in these families with the skills needed to make a living. They focus on the whole community—even providing housing when possible. eduKenya is addressing the physical, economic, social and spiritual needs of the community.

If you wish to contribute to this mission directly, send your contribution to:

7090 Nolen Park Circle
Nolensville, TN 37135