Dan and Rebecca Gregoire
Mission to the World - Slovakia
Dan Gregoire became interested in Missions partly as a result of his involvement in Supplee’s Youth Group when he was in high school. For the past fifteen years, the Gregoires have worked to help the Slovakian church to grow and restore the gospel ministry in the local community and surrounding area. This ministry, called church revitalization, helps to transform the community and continues to draw others to the gospel message.
Dan and Rebecca have befriended the Roma, a despised and underserved group in much of Europe. They are showing them how to raise chickens and grow crops to provide food for themselves, and then how to market the extra. The Gregoires also have set up a Roma preschool and kindergarten and. developed a curriculum especially for it. They have shown the Roma women how to teach the Slovak language to the children, since speaking only Roma had placed the Roma children at a disadvantage when beginning formal schooling. Upon entering public schools, these children are now prepared and are thriving as they learn as a result of the efforts of the Gregoires as they work to meet the social and economic as well as the spiritual needs of the communities.
If you wish to contribute to this mission directly, send your contribution to:
Mission to the World
Dan and Rebecca Gregoire
#12767 (Slovakia)
P.O. Box 744165
Atlanta, GA 30374-4165